Wednesday 11 November 2020

Norwich Cathedral

While this particular building is not a forgotten history, it is one of my favourite buildings. The sheer size of it makes me stand in awe. I am always amazed at how such a building was built almost a thousand years ago on very little in the way of foundations, on low lying and partially marshy land is still standing today. This magnificent building has withstood attack in the form of revolts, fire, bombings during the second world war and general wear and tear.

Cathedral rising up behind the new hostry building
This particular photo I took one evening as I was walking through the cathedral close, it was an autumn/ winter evening and I was mesmorised by the lights shining up the exterior surface of the bulding casting amazing shadows. The first image below is of the south transept and the second image is of the new hostry building with the cathedral rising up behind in the background.

As I said before, not a forgotten history as it dominates the skyline of the city however I wanted to share the photos I took. This post has however given me an idea of future posts, maybe to explore the cathedral and share facts and findings about the place, some of the lesser known facts about the cathedral, its former life as a priory and the land around it.

I hope you enjoy.

South transept, tower and spire


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