Wednesday 7 January 2015

At the top of the tower (Happisburgh Church)

So today (18th October 2014) I visited Happisburgh and as I entered the village I saw a sign telling me that the church tower was open so I thought what a fantastic opportunity. I of course stoppped to take a look an I am so glad I did. I had visited Happisburgh and the church before however I only managed to take a look around the interior and the exterior of the church. 

St Mary's at Happisburgh stands on top of a hill over looking the village and the fast approaching sea as it gradually eats away and erodes the cliff edging nearer and nearer to the church yard year on year.

So I entered the church to find a man sitting behind a small desk at the bottom of the tower taking the small charge for access to the stairs which was £1. A bargain I thought. He showed me the stairs and warned me to call up as I climbed as their radio system has broken down so he was unable to warn the warden up top the I was coming up.

So I stepped through the door way and started to climb the very narrow spiral staircase. I climbed and climbed what felt like a lifetime, and I was beginning to get slightly panicked as I climbed. I normally do not get worried about heights too much but there were small glass windows in the stairwell on the way up and it felt that I had very quickly left the ground and was very high up, it felt very 

On my way I saw the bells which were very impressive and finally I came to chamber above the bells where the stone spiral staircase stopped and new memorial metal spiral staircase started which took you up to the roof. Finally I broke through and made it to the to where I saw daylight again. Now when I went up the weather was slightly overcast and slightly breezy but the views were absolutely amazing. For a while it took a while to get used to being up there as the roof was slightly slopped which made it feel like I was falling over when walking around up there.

I am so pleased I went up there to take in these breathtaking views which I have included below. I will gradually and eventually post my photos from my original visit to the church.

So I can post these photos as I eventually made it back down the stairs again which again my heart leapt into my throat as they were very steep and several times I felt I was going to fall over.